Business Voice

Latest Issue: July / August 2024

Cover story

Troubled waters in the talent pool

July 2, 2024

Halifax’s top recruiters forecast labour market challenges, offer employer advice

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Retention strategies to keep your dream team together

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Member Profile

e3 Office Furniture on thriving in a post-pandemic market

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Guest Post

Communities change. At our YMCA, we have over 170 years of experience on the front lines, and we know our communities. We grow and evolve as they do so that we are always working to meet people’s most pressing needs.

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Big Service, Small Size

January 5, 2024

Solopreneurs are Trending Upwards

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Member Profile

Championing the cause

January 4, 2024

A local entrepreneur helps women choose their inner champion over their inner critic

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Consider these services for your health goals

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The importance of ergonomics

November 7, 2023

10 reasons ergonomic chairs are essential in every office

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Giving Back

November 7, 2023

In Business and in Life

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Ocean freight

November 7, 2023

A greener alternative to road, rail, and air

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Working for you

Mayor Mike Savage

November 7, 2023

A booming municipality and the need for a new revenue model to reflect the needs of and demands upon our expanding cities

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Working for you

We’ve never heard more about the “S” word – sustainability – than we have in recent years.

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Working for you

Succession planning is a critical process that often gets overlooked or delayed by small business owners who are focused on day-to-day operations.

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Member Profile

Bridging the gap

November 7, 2023

Nadine Bernard helps forge a path to economic reconcililation

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Meet Mathias Probst, a Nova Scotia culinary champion

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Cover story

Jumping into ACTion

November 7, 2023

HRM’s HalifACT knows speed is of the essence in combatting climate change

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The Canadian Digital Adoption Plan is a noteworthy initiative aimed at driving digital transformation across the country.

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Guest Post

GTO offers a wage subsidy to small businesses, start-ups and non-profits who create permanent full-time jobs for recent grads in Nova Scotia.

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Cover story

A leap of faith

October 2, 2023

Three Halifax area solopreneurs give us a peek into the good, the bad, and the unexpected side of flying solo

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Member Profile

James Ingram’s passion for what he does and ability to pivot has served him well for over 20 years

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