Business Voice

Latest Issue: July / August 2024

Cover story

Troubled waters in the talent pool

July 2, 2024

Halifax’s top recruiters forecast labour market challenges, offer employer advice

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Retention strategies to keep your dream team together

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Member Profile

e3 Office Furniture on thriving in a post-pandemic market

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Guest Post

Graduate to Opportunity made it easy for Green Power Labs to hire recent graduate of Dalhousie University’s Mechanical Engineering Program, Maigoro Yunana.

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Member Profile

Parental peace of mind

March 1, 2018

Most parents have experienced the panic of waking up to a school cancellation on a workday they just can’t miss. But what if you knew you had a back-up childcare solution, pre-arranged by your employer, which meant you wouldn’t need to miss work?

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Positive business environment

Make time to save

March 1, 2018

Steaming stamps off envelopes? Paying your 14-year-old cousin to design your website? Turning down the thermostat while your employees pile on cardigans?

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Positive business environment

The Balancing Act

March 1, 2018

When Charles Dickens visited Halifax in 1842 and got the grand tour from his friend Joseph Howe, he famously described the young city as, “Like looking at Westminster [Parliament] through the wrong end of the telescope.”

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Working for you

We all know what will happen if we don’t plan properly. Really, we do. As in your own businesses, relentless attention to debt, how it accumulates and how to reduce it is not just common sense — it’s how you stay in business.

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Guest Post

WIPSI, Nova Scotia’s workplace professional development program, made it possible for Chris and Anna Hutchinson, of Hutchinson Acres, to access the training that they and their staff needed to improve their production processes.

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Member Profile

Of tweets and twirps

March 1, 2018

The waters of social media can be treacherous to navigate, even for those of us who grew up sailing them, so when it comes to the small business community and their need to advertise online...

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Working for you

Testing the waters

March 1, 2018

Matching post-secondary student development to employer needs is an integral part of the Halifax Chamber’s 2013-2018 Strategic Plan. Focusing on this goal led the Chamber to shift toward leveraging co-operative education to help with staffing needs.

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Doing what you do best

March 1, 2018

It’s all about finding your SPACE. Things are moving at a fast-pace — the world is changing, business is changing, technology is rapidly changing.

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A mobile workforce

March 1, 2018

The topic of Atlantic Canada’s labour market is often surrounded by commentary about aging boomers and fleeing millennials, both contributing to an imminent talent supply shortage.

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From the President

Joined forces

March 1, 2018

At the end of January, the eight largest Chambers of Commerce in Canada, 11 American Chambers of Commerce and eight Mexican Chambers met in Montreal to ask their respective governments of the three member-states to renew NAFTA...

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Guest Post

Have you heard of SkillsonlineNS? In Nova Scotia, we offer a program for employers to help nurture the best trained and most productive workforces possible.

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Guest Post

Through the Graduate to Opportunity (GTO) program, Sherri Robbins, Executive Director of Scotiabank Blue Nose Marathon, was able to introduce a new position to the organization while getting help to cover some of the salary costs.

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Working for you

Work Integrated Learning model boosts student and employer opportunities The Halifax Chamber of Commerce is going through a period of evolution.

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From the President

Where does a year go?

February 1, 2018

Change and momentum at the Chamber. With membership on the rise our network has steadily expanded. At the end of 2017 we were happy to welcome more than 300 new members to the Halifax Chamber of Commerce.

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Positive business environment

Going Green

February 1, 2018

Halifax business owner Christopher Enns has been repeatedly arrested, had his business and home raided, and then saw many of the charges dropped as Canada’s marijuana laws change.

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Optimistic Future

February 1, 2018

Creating opportunities for young people, businesses and success. The New Year has started with a tremendous accomplishment — the Halifax Convention Centre has opened its doors.

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Emboldened by growth

February 1, 2018

Women accelerating business growth. This year, I’m celebrating 15 years at the Centre for Women in Business.

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