SkillsOnlineNS: free training to employers and employees working in NS

SkillsOnlineNS: free training to employers and employees working in NS

< Back to Articles | Topics: Guest Post | Contributors: Department of Labour and Advanced Education | Published: July 1, 2018

SkillsOnlineNS is an online platform that provides free training to employers and employees working in Nova Scotia. Currently there are over 26,000 learners registered on the platform including 4,571 businesses and 3,278 not for profits.

With courses in hundreds of topics available free of charge, SkillsonlineNS gives every Nova Scotian an opportunity to benefit from continuous learning. From the smallest startup to the biggest not-for-profit, SkillsonlineNS offers online learning to help build smarter, more productive, and more competitive teams.

Custom courses aimed at the specialized needs of individuals and businesses in NS have also been developed for the platform including topics in human resources, productivity, international trade, financial literacy, and more. Creating an Age-Friendly Workplace, the most recent custom training to be developed, was launched earlier this year. In this course employers learn about the benefits of hiring older workers and how to create an age friendly workplace to help attract and retain their valuable employees. Employers who have successfully implemented age friendly initiatives in Nova Scotia are featured, and a workbook is provided to assist in a self-reflective journey to creating an age-friendly workplace.

All courses in the SkillsononeNS learning network are available to you free of charge courtesy of a partnership between the Department of Labour and Advanced Education and the NS Association of CBDCs.

Go to to browse the course catalogue, register and download training - at no cost to you.

Age-friendly training was created in support of SHIFT: Nova Scotia’s Action Plan for an Aging Population, announced by the Province in March 2017.

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