Business Voice

Latest Issue: July / August 2024

Cover story

Troubled waters in the talent pool

July 2, 2024

Halifax’s top recruiters forecast labour market challenges, offer employer advice

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Retention strategies to keep your dream team together

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Member Profile

e3 Office Furniture on thriving in a post-pandemic market

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The Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission has introduced new online resources to help employers address and prevent sexual harassment in the workplace.

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Enhancing diversity

May 1, 2018

Cultivating a diverse workforce is important and this notion is supported by economic trends and research.

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Cultivating happiness

May 1, 2018

Remarkable, but is it even possible? Show gratitude for doing their job? Well, if it is useful in life, chances are it will be beneficial at the workplace.

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Working for you

If I took one message away from the Chamber’s Wonder Women Workshop on March 2, it’s this: Stop apologizing for being awesome.

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Member Profile

When someone is embarrassed about the state of their finances, they’re less likely to ask a professional for help. But Wendy Brookhouse says that’s exactly when they need expert advice the most.

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Guest Post

Acadian Seaplants continues to grow is through developing its workforce, and accessing Government of Nova Scotia funding programs and solutions to help build strength at home to compete globally.

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Member Profile

Attracting and retaining top employees has always been an essential element of business success. That task is made even more varied and complex with the arrival of millennials in the workforce.

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Member Profile

Martina Kelades is a passionate advocate for mental health awareness and the importance of self-care, but she’s the first to admit she hadn’t been following her own advice.

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Working for you

Nova Scotia’s regional centre, Halifax Regional Municipality, holds only 0.6 per cent of the land, but a little more than 24 per cent of the province’s population, with 40 per cent estimated economic growth in the area.

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Crunching the numbers

April 1, 2018

There is absolutely no point in shipping goods if you don’t have a clear understanding of the data this activity generates. This article will explain why this is so in the world of logistics, and what we do about it.

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Most everyone has those unfinished projects. They exist everywhere from fixing the little things around the house to very important projects at the office.

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Fortifying resilience

April 1, 2018

Every April I’m awestruck by those tough little daffodils appearing amid snow and slush. Seemingly fragile they break through the harsh, cold winter earth and emerge with yellow smiles and spirited vibrancy.

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Member Profile

When people think of Halifax, visions of a boat-littered waterfront, bustling downtown streets and friendly small-town folk are often what comes to mind.

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Positive business environment

Opening Doors

April 1, 2018

Nova Scotia’s Accessibility Act was announced with much fanfare in April 2017, but it’s only now getting its teeth.

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Skilled workforce

Canada’s ocean economy presents both immense opportunity and considerable challenges.

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From the President

The time is now

April 1, 2018

How far in the future do you have to look to see Halifax at its full potential? In my opinion, we’re nearly there.

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Member Profile

The Halifax Partnership has taken the lead on building and growing Halifax’s Innovation District.

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Working for you

All businesses need to make periodic, if not continuous investment in their operations in order to sustain or grow.

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