Business Voice

Latest Issue: July / August 2024

Cover story

Troubled waters in the talent pool

July 2, 2024

Halifax’s top recruiters forecast labour market challenges, offer employer advice

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Retention strategies to keep your dream team together

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Member Profile

e3 Office Furniture on thriving in a post-pandemic market

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Find the method that works for you

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My business, my baby!

June 4, 2019

Steps to set your business up for success once you exit

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Networking is changing

June 4, 2019

Connector program aims to introduce qualified workers to the hidden job market

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The YMCA debuts series of women’s workshops for newcomers to Canada.

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International students are an ideal way to grow our workforce: they are well-educated, they speak English or French, they have adapted to Canadian society and they are familiar with our culture.

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The road to retention

May 1, 2019

Study and Stay™ program helping Nova Scotia retain students.

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Today’s employees seeking flexibility, wellness, purposeful work.

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What’s in it for me?

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Simple steps for providing a safe, inclusive space for your customers.

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How ballet and business can improve the labour shortage.

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Hire international talent Fill your company's labour gaps

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Is it a win-win for you and your community?

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Dalhousie Capstone group helps local start-up cidery develop a sustainable business plan

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What it takes to be a salesperson in today’s world

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Still room to improve

February 1, 2019

On the value and power of engaging with women of colour in business

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Ransomware attacks

July 1, 2018

Are local businesses safe from cyberattacks? With the ability to leak, encrypt and lock all business assets from employees, ransomware attacks are becoming a serious problem for businesses. Canadian businesses get up to 1,600 ransomware attacks per day.

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Why do small businesses need cyber security? Cyberattacks on businesses are becoming more frequent news items. Only about a quarter of small business owners have had an outside party test their computer systems to ensure they are hacker-proof.

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Blockchain demystified

July 1, 2018

New technology could revolutionize commerce. It seemed to be all about online monetary transactions and in the very early stages of adoption. But it’s here — and likely in your industry. You should start paying attention to blockchain technology.

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