Business Voice

Latest Issue: July / August 2024

Cover story

Troubled waters in the talent pool

July 2, 2024

Halifax’s top recruiters forecast labour market challenges, offer employer advice

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Retention strategies to keep your dream team together

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Member Profile

e3 Office Furniture on thriving in a post-pandemic market

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Smartphones give consumers the ability to make plans on the fly, right from the palm of their hands. Therefore, marketing a business to mobile consumers is extremely important.

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Some businesses avoid taking risks to the point where it's working against their business growth. Maria Caines explains why they should embrace tools that have the potential to drive growth and increase revenues.

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Although she didn't win at the 2020 Business Awards, Marie-Claire Chartrand doesn't feel like she lost either. She feels proud, grateful and humbled just thinking of all the support she received throughout her entrepreneurial journey.

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Thought leadership on understanding the COVID-19 economy

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Zero Based Budgeting (ZBB) is a method of organizing, analyzing, and making decisions on how business expenses will be made. It is the method and not the decision of what to spend on.

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Research your market

April 3, 2020

Discovering the differences between anecdotes and data

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A growth mindset

April 3, 2020

Cultivating positive thoughts to harvest optimism and improve business

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Dealing with dementia

February 4, 2020

How creating inclusive communities can benefit all

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Inclusion across Canada

February 4, 2020

Looking at emerging workplace trends

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"If we refuse to engage with the political process by voting, then we’ve just given our voice away. Your opinion matters and your opinion counts.”

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Is having a well-developed business plan really what your startup needs to succeed?

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September 12, 2019

“Nova Scotians in general have a spirit to want to support local,” says Davison. But there’s still work to be done. “Show up to your friends’ and neighbours’ businesses and say, ‘I’m here to support you".

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August 29, 2019

Creating a unique and sustainable Halifax

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Increasing population and a rising GDP presents opportunities for businesses and residents alike

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How employers can help employees succeed

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Next generation of in-store shopping experience

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Beyond the IQ

July 2, 2019

Enhancing the social and emotional intelligence of employees is good for business

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The truth about taxes

July 2, 2019

Lowering taxes should be the first step in helping the province grow

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