Policy Library

Browse through our Policy Library to learn how our work affects business in Nova Scotia.

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Showing 652 items:

Policy Update - What do you think of Occupational Health and Safety
| Topics: Taxation and Regulation

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Op-Ed -Transportation Key to Our Future
| Topics: Transportation and Trade

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Policy Update - Chamber Representatives Meet with Federal Transport Minister
| Topics: Transportation and Trade

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Policy Update - Sable Energy Deal
| Topics: Energy and the Environment

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Press Release - New Sable Deal Good News for Nova Scotia
| Topics: Energy and the Environment

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Policy Update - Chamber Provides Pre-Budget Brief to Provincial Finance Minister
| Topics: Budget Issues

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Policy Update - Chamber Continues Lobbying for Improvements to Canada Marine Act
| Topics: Transportation and Trade

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Policy Update - Sable Potential
| Topics: Energy and the Environment

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Policy Update - Chamber Pleased with Sable Panel's Decision
| Topics: Energy and the Environment

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Letter to Premier MacLellan - Sable Energy
| Topics: Energy and the Environment

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MHCC Economic Development Committee Discussion Paper - Place Audit of Metropolitan Halifax
| Topics: Multi-Topic Publications

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Task Force on Port Opportunities
| Topics: Transportation and Trade

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