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1998 Member Satisfaction Survey - Results
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Multi-Topic Publications
1999 Municipal Budget Submission
| Topics:
Budget Issues
1999 Provincial Budget Submission
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Budget Issues
2004 Federal Election - Questions from the Business Community
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Multi-Topic Publications
2008 Federal Election Questionnaire
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Multi-Topic Publications
2008 Federal Pre-Budget Submission
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Budget Issues
2009 Municipal Issue Note
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Multi-Topic Publications
2009 Provincial Election - Liberal Answers
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Multi-Topic Publications
2009 Provincial Election - NDP Answers
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Multi-Topic Publications
2009 Provincial Election - PC Answers
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Multi-Topic Publications
2009 Provincial Issue Note
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Multi-Topic Publications
2009-10 Municipal Pre-Budget Submission
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Budget Issues
2009-10 Provincial Pre-Budget Submission
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Budget Issues
2017 Municipal Issue Note
2018 Municipal Issue Note
| Topics:
Multi-Topic Publications
The Halifax Chamber of Commerce is a business focused organization that represents over 1,600 members and over 65,000 employees in the Greater Halifax Area. Halifax represents 56% of the GDP for Nova Scotia and 45% of the population. In our new 2019-2023 Strategic Plan we are striving to create value and prosperity for our members. We will provide services our businesses need, and we will continue to advocate for the conditions in the economy that enhance their prosperity. Please find attached our 2019-2023 Strategic Plan visual for your consideration.
Each year, the Halifax Chamber of Commerce submits a note to the City, detailing the issues that affect our members, our concerns for the upcoming year and the current and past projects that are beneficial to the growth of the city. This year, the issues we are presenting range from entrepreneurship training to export development to the reduction of the regulatory burden facing businesses daily. Our task forces, “Fostering Private Sector Growth” chaired by Paul Bent and “Access to a Skilled Workforce” chaired by Don Bureaux, will focus on the following goals.
• Optimizing the Impacts of Government
• Creating a Frictionless Business Environment
• Supporting Export Development
• Reducing the tax burden
• Promoting Immigration
• Student Retention
• Entrepreneurship Training
• Promote the Growth of Halifax as a major city.
2018 Provincial Issue Note
| Topics:
Multi-Topic Publications
The Halifax Chamber of Commerce is a business focused organization that represents over 1,600 members and over 65,000 employees in the Greater Halifax Area. Halifax represents 56% of the GDP for Nova Scotia and 45% of the population. In our new 2019-2023 Strategic Plan we are striving to create value and prosperity for our members. We will provide services our businesses need, and we will continue to advocate for the conditions in the economy that enhance their prosperity. Please find attached our 2019-2023 Strategic Plan visual for your consideration.
Each year, the Halifax Chamber of Commerce submits a note to the Province, detailing the issues that affect our members, our concerns for the upcoming year and the current and past projects that are beneficial to the growth of the Province. This year, the issues we are presenting range from entrepreneurship training to export development to the reduction of the regulatory burden facing businesses daily. Our task forces, “Fostering Private Sector Growth” and “Access to a Skilled Workforce”, will focus on the following goals.
• Optimizing the Impacts of Government
• Creating a Frictionless Business Environment
• Reducing the tax burden
• Promoting Immigration
• Supporting Export Development
• Student Retention
• Entrepreneurship Training
• Promote the Growth of Halifax as a major city.
2018-2019 Municipal Budget Response
2019 Electoral Boundary Law Amendments- Patrick's Speaking Words
Recently, Patrick spoke with Law Amendments on the changes to MLA's in Nova Scotia. The Halifax Chamber has been proactive in meeting with and speaking to the Electoral Boundary Commission and our members on the changes to Nova Scotia MLA's.
Download Document2019 Federal Budget Release Response
| Topics:
Budget Issues
2019 Municipal Issue Note
| Topics:
Multi-Topic Publications
The Halifax Chamber of Commerce is a business-focused organization that represents over 1,700 members and over 65,000 employees in the Greater Halifax Area. In our 2019-2023 Strategic Plan we are striving to create value and prosperity for our members. We will provide services our businesses need, and we will continue to advocate for the conditions in the economy that enhance their prosperity.
Each year, the Halifax Chamber of Commerce submits a note to the Municipality, detailing the issues that affect our members, our concerns for the upcoming year and the current and past projects that are beneficial to the growth of the City. This year, the Halifax Chamber has chosen to ask the government various questions that reflect the issues that are important to our members. They range from the cost of labour to by-law reviews to accessible hiring. We provide additional background in the attachment, but the questions asked in the document are provided below:
• What has been the percentage increase in labour costs over the past ten years?
• What new sources (other than tax increases) are expected to generate the required revenue?
• Has the municipality asked the province to grant ability to pay legislation?
• What is the cost of services for commercial and residential taxpayers across the municipality?
• What does the municipality hear the most from the business community regarding the regulatory environment?
• How many of the 131 by-laws have currently been reviewed for effectiveness, efficiency, and usefulness?
• Will the HaliFACT document and its goals align with the Centre Plan?
• What reasons does the municipality hear why immigrants chose to stay or leave the city?
• What steps is the municipality taking to ensure a smooth transition (permits, approvals) for businesses to upgrade or redesign their built space to make it easier for accessible hiring?