Policy Library

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Showing 646 items:

Canadian Chamber of Commerce Letter to John Baird on Trade
| Topics: Transportation and Trade

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2009-10 Provincial Pre-Budget Submission
| Topics: Budget Issues

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Letter of Congratulations to Minister Taylor
| Topics: Multi-Topic Publications

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Letter of Congratulations to Minister Streatch
| Topics: Multi-Topic Publications

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Letter of Congratulations to Minister Casey
| Topics: Multi-Topic Publications

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HRM Response to Chamber Letter on Solid Waste Issues
| Topics: Taxation and Regulation

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Co-op 101 An Employer’s Primer on Co-operative Education
| Topics: Budget Issues

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Municipal Affairs - UARB Hearing Waterside Centre
| Topics: Taxation and Regulation

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Letter to Council - Transit Service Tax
| Topics: Taxation and Regulation

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Strategic Joint Regional Transportation Committee Information Note
| Topics: Transportation and Trade

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Year-End Policy Review
| Topics: Multi-Topic Publications

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Provincial Affairs - Letter to Minister Muir to Support Passage of HRMbyDesign
| Topics: Taxation and Regulation

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Letter to Minister Cannon - Open Skies
| Topics: Transportation and Trade

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Letter to Minister Baird - Open Skies
| Topics: Transportation and Trade

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Thank You Letter to Mayor Kelly - Mayor's Luncheon
| Topics: Multi-Topic Publications

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Letter of Congratulations to Minister Baird
| Topics: Multi-Topic Publications

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Key Points from the Federal “Speech from the Throne”
| Topics: Multi-Topic Publications

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Chamber Presentation on the Continuing Fiscal Difficulties at the HRM
| Topics: Budget Issues

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Healthy Business Awards Mentioned at Province House
| Topics: Health and Education

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Provincial Affairs Letter to Premier MacDonald BioScience Enterprise Centre
| Topics: Multi-Topic Publications

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