Policy Library

Browse through our Policy Library to learn how our work affects business in Nova Scotia.

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Showing 646 items:

2009 Provincial Election - Liberal Answers
| Topics: Multi-Topic Publications

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Letter to the Leaders - Election 2009
| Topics: Multi-Topic Publications

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HRMbyDesign Public Hearing - Valerie's Words
| Topics: Taxation and Regulation

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HRMbyDesign Written Submission
| Topics: Taxation and Regulation

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Letter in Support of Support for the Implementation of Arrivals Duty-Free (ADF)
| Topics: Transportation and Trade

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HRM Response to Chamber Pre-Budget Submission
| Topics: Budget Issues

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Municipal Election - HRM by Design
| Topics: Taxation and Regulation

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New Halifax Regional School Board Shows Early Success
| Topics: Health and Education

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Health Monitor - 2009 Update
| Topics: Health and Education

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Letter of Congratulations to the HIAA
| Topics: Transportation and Trade

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Letter to Peter Kelly - Ragged Lake Garage
| Topics: Transportation and Trade

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Transportation Committee 2009-10 Action Plan
| Topics: Transportation and Trade

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Letter from Minister Morse - Pre-Budget Submission
| Topics: Budget Issues

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2009-10 Municipal Pre-Budget Submission
| Topics: Budget Issues

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A Study in Carbon Pricing - Halifax Chamber of Commerce
| Topics: Energy and the Environment

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Op-ed from Valerie Payn on the Federal Budget
| Topics: Budget Issues

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Carbon Pricing and the Private Sector
| Topics: Energy and the Environment

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Canadian Chamber of Commerce Letter- Buy American Provisions
| Topics: Transportation and Trade

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Letter from Peter Kelly on Council Focus Areas
| Topics: Multi-Topic Publications

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Letter to Council - Council Priorities
| Topics: Multi-Topic Publications

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