Your vote is your voice: use it!

Your vote is your voice: use it!

< Back to Articles | Topics: Trends | Contributors: Judith Kays | Published: October 1, 2019

This month, about 17 million Canadians will go to the polls and vote for how they want to see this country run for the next four years. Voting is a right and a privilege that we as Canadians take for granted. After all, the number above accounts for only about 65 per cent of registered voters.

Voting in a federal election can be a daunting task. Do you vote for the party whose values align with yours; for your member of Parliament, who will ultimately represent your ridings’ concerns; or do you vote for the person at the helm, the party leader who you may or may not think is the right choice? It’s a tough call for a lot of people and unfortunately many Canadians don’t know what to do or feel like their vote won’t count, so they don’t bother casting a ballot.

When you exercise your right to vote, you are using your voice to help decide who will form government and who will hold them accountable over the next four years. In Canada we cast our vote for the candidates in our federal riding. Ultimately, they will be the ones to represent us in Parliament, even if their party leader doesn’t win. However, some people vote based on how closely their own values align with the party’s values. And some people vote based on their opinions of the party leaders. How you choose to decide is up to you. It’s best to educate yourself and make your own decision. Taking the time to inform yourself and vote can make a difference. Most importantly, voting is a benefit of being Canadian.

My great grandmother was 22 years old before women were allowed to vote in Canada and even then there were many restrictions. My grandfather came to Canada through Pier 21 over 100 years ago and back then he wasn’t allowed to vote. In fact, immigrants didn’t have the right to vote, even as Canadian citizens until 1955. For many years, people weren’t allowed to vote because of their religious beliefs. Aboriginal peoples weren’t given the right to vote until 1960. Unbelievably, it wasn’t until 1982 in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms that all citizens were given the right to vote.

Studies have shown that many factors influence a person’s decision to vote or not. Characteristics such as socio-economic status, occupation, race and ethnicity, language, age and religious affiliation have been found to affect whether people choose to cast a ballot.

If you’re still on the fence, here are a few reasons why you should make the effort to vote:

• Not everyone can vote, so take advantage of this privilege

• It’s your right and people fought for that right for you

• Your vote can be a deciding factor – every vote is counted

• Elections have consequences on your quality of life: think healthcare, taxes, jobs

• Your power is your vote — have a say in how your tax dollars are spent

• It’s easy and it really doesn’t take much time

• Diversity matters — different voices, experiences and backgrounds help shape our country

• The results affect you, as a Chamber member, as a Nova Scotian, as a Canadian citizen — at least one federal government policy, law, regulation or change will impact you directly

By voting, we are using our experience and wisdom to maintain one of the best democratic countries in the world. If we refuse to engage with the political process by voting, then we’ve just given our voice away. Your opinion matters and your opinion counts.

Register, educate yourself and exercise your right to vote.

Check out for more information on
voting in the upcoming federal election.

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