Leaving the comfort of home

Leaving the comfort of home

< Back to Articles | Topics: Trends | Contributors: Robyn Jackman, Intentional Outcomes Counselling | Published: April 20, 2022

The pandemic created a new routine for those that were able to work from home. With new regulations changing the rules again in Nova Scotia (it’s okay if you’ve stopped counting), we must create a new ‘new’ way of showing up for work. This change can be daunting, especially if, after more than a year of remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic, corporate offices ask employees to return full time to the office.

Some employees are experiencing mixed feelings. Working from home has provided many families a way to continue to earn an income while adjusting to the ever-changing regulations from the schools. It has allowed them the ability to multi-task home and work duties.

More than two-thirds of workers say they are concerned about returning to the office full time, according to a recent survey. Many workers fear they will be less safe if they are forced to commute on public transportation or spend their eight-hour shifts in close quarters with colleagues again. The transition may lead to adjusting your schedules again, interacting with far more people than usual, and coping with the stress from these changes.

Going back to the office, however, may lead to positive outcomes. Having firmer boundaries between work and home life can increase productivity. We also get the chance to rebuild social connections and reconnect with our community.

We can reduce stress with planning, and we can make the transition smoother by starting a routine. This includes planning meals, setting a consistent sleep schedule, ensuring an adequate amount of physical activity, and investing in relaxation time. It can also include taking breaks at regular intervals to destress and rejuvenate yourself during the work hours. Breaks are a great time to practise self-care.

Practising self-care can help you cope with the stress of the change. Creating an emergency self-care kit for work can help when stress levels increase. Each person has different needs for self-care, but you can stock your desk with things like a stress ball, a calming essential oil diffuser (assuming you’re not working in a scent-free environment), your favorite snacks, your favorite tea, a cozy blanket, photos of your loved ones, sudoku puzzles, or even colouring books.

Practising self-care in a way that builds your self-love and self-esteem helps you show up for yourself, which ultimately helps you show up for work. It’s essential to feel through difficult transitions — taking time to feel the discomfort. Practising self-care helps you restock the emotional energy you need to conquer your goals.

Creating a self-care plan is making a commitment to yourself. Practise it as regularly as you can. It is important to know if or when you need more support than self-care can provide. Reach out to a professional if you notice that your stress levels are not decreasing with self-care. Remember: you are not alone.

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