Investing in employee development through SkillsonlineNS

Investing in employee development through SkillsonlineNS

< Back to Articles | Topics: Guest Post | Contributors: Department of Labour and Advanced Education | Published: May 1, 2018

Acadian Seaplants is a growing Nova Scotian company with global reach. The company currently has production facilities in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ireland and Scotland with employees in 12 countries developing, manufacturing and selling marine plant-based products around the world.

One of the ways Acadian Seaplants continues to grow is through developing its workforce, and accessing Government of Nova Scotia funding programs and solutions to help build strength at home to compete globally. One solution is SkillsonlineNS, an online training program that offers thousands of on-line courses in hundreds of topics to Nova Scotians at no cost.

Candice Piercey, Manager of Training and Development at Acadian Seaplants says that her company has integrated SkillsonlineNS into the company’s Smart Goals system. Each year, as part of the Performance Review process, employees work with their managers and department heads to design individual and collaborative goals. SkillsonlineNS is often a first stop for sourcing training that ties into the employees’ professional development plan.

“It’s a great platform to offer a wide variety of courses and content to our employees,” Piercey said, adding that the employees in production, sales and management have all taken training through SkillsonlineNS.

For instance, Susan Murphy, Cultivation Harvest & Sanitation Supervisor at Acadian Seaplants’ facility in Charlesville, Shelburne County has taken courses in leadership and communication. Next, she plans to take courses in how to trim waste, cut costs and improve quality. Susan attests to SkillsonlineNS being user-friendly. “I like the idea that if I start a course and then get interrupted, I can pause it and pick it up where I left off without having to go back to the beginning. “There’s lots to choose from and something for everyone. Learn something new every day, that’s what I tell my crew.”

To date 70 Acadian Seaplants employees and leaders have enrolled in SkillsonlineNS, and have taken more than 240 courses. While Piercey doesn’t have concrete figures, she said the savings that SkillsonlineNS has provided Acadian Seaplants by offering free training is significant. “But” she said, “more than the cost-saving our employees knowing that we’re committed to investing in their development is invaluable.”

Check out the SkillsonlineNS course catalogue and start training today at

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