Doing what you do best

Doing what you do best

< Back to Articles | Topics: Trends | Contributors: Alex Campbell, Partner, Third Wave Consulting | This is a guest post from Third Wave Consulting
(Member since 2017) | Published: March 1, 2018

This is a guest post from Third Wave Consulting
(Member since 2017)

It’s all about finding your SPACE

Things are moving at a fast-pace — the world is changing, business is changing, technology is rapidly changing. As our grandparents would say, “Back in the day, we walked to school uphill both ways, in five feet of snow, in sock-feet.” I think we’ve all heard our own version of this.

While keeping up has pushed most of us out of our comfort zone, it’s an incredible and exciting world of innovation we are now living in. The key to keeping up is just that — innovation. But what does that mean? It really comes down to accepting that you can’t be everything to everyone, focusing on what you do best and continuously evolving.

The key is to find your SPACE.


Focus, Focus, Focus. This provides clarity, keeps you on track and honed into the area you excel. It will eliminate much of the noise if you can focus on what you do best. If people think they can do everything on their own, they will never look to the experts and the true value is lost. If athletes tried to excel at every sport they would never truly excel at any.


If you don’t have a plan, goals or a vision, then how will you ever know if you’ve met them or truly succeeded? Having a path doesn’t mean you can’t veer off and test the backroads, this is how you will learn and grow. But having processes, plans and a path will provide direction.


These are your advocates — the ones that will sing your praises and be a resource to call on when you need a little backup. Use their area of expertise — know when it’s not yours and partner with them. You should also know when it makes sense to partner with your competition, they can be incredible allies. The most successful “co-opetition” partnerships are when you complement each other’s offerings.


Don’t stress about the competition, there will always be competition. Focus on your market and the value you bring to them. This will lead to your success. Find ways to impress your customers and stand out from the rest, make a big impact and they will never leave your side or stop singing your praises. You will stand out if you continue to innovate and impress.


Embrace technology and change — every experience is a lesson. How you choose to learn from that lesson will determine if and how you evolve, not only as a company but as an innovator. Capture the experience and codify it — it’s not just about thinking about new strategies, it’s about executing them. Take risks and step out of your comfort zone. If you are not willing to evolve you will be left in the dust by those that are. Innovation means progress. While it can be uncomfortable and scary, it will drive growth and success. Get uncomfortable, take risks, never stop learning, and enjoy the ride.

< Back to Articles | Topics: Trends

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