Small businesses tapping into employment supports through Nova Scotia Works

Small businesses tapping into employment supports through Nova Scotia Works

< Back to Articles | Topics: Skilled workforce | Published: October 25, 2019

As a tradesperson, Aaron Spencer knows a thing or two about being on the road; traveling between worksites across Nova Scotia. Not that he minds the driving, but things are about to change because he will soon be working closer to home.

Aaron is the proud owner/operator of Catch & Crimp Fishing Supplies & Hydraulics, located just a few minutes from Pugwash, N.S. The company manufactures metal lobster, crab and oyster traps and sells fishing supplies (ropes, buoys, glovers, boots) and hydraulic equipment such as fluids, grease and oils.

“For now, my workshop is downstairs in my house and I store raw materials in several buildings on my property. Someday maybe we’ll expand, but for now things are going great and we’re just looking to make quality products,” says Mr. Spencer.

As Aaron knows first-hand, growing a company takes a tremendous amount of hard work and he will need help to achieve his business goals. He needs dependable and trustworthy employees, who can evolve along with his business.

That is where a working partnership with Nova Scotia Works CANSA entered the picture.

Nova Scotia Works Centres are located across the province of Nova Scotia. They provide employment services and supports to job seekers and to local businesses - matching people to jobs and jobs to people.

Employer Engagement Specialists work directly with employers every day; connecting them to potential employees through various activities, including networking, setting up job fairs and referring businesses to Labour and Advanced Education (LAE) funding, services and programs.

“Catch & Crimp is bringing innovation to the Fishing Industry and supporting the rural economy by hiring locally and training employees from the ground up,” said Brent Noiles, Employer Engagement Specialist with Nova Scotia Works CANSA.

“Mr. Spencer identified an LAE program (START) that he thought would help him with his labour needs. He took the initiative to start the application online and then reached out to our Centre for support in the process. This funding will support him to train the right employee, which will benefit his business in the long-term,” said Noiles.

LAE programs provide financial assistance and services to employers to help them hire new employees; grow their businesses and to train their current workforce. The START Program provides businesses with wage subsidies to train eligible employees, helping them lay the foundation for a well-trained and stable labour force for years to come.

“Nova Scotia Works, the START Program and Brent have helped my business and have been easy to work with. Brent came right to my door, saw my business, learned what we’re doing and helped me to navigate the process. I’m so glad to have the support of NS Works and look forward to working with them on future projects,” says Aaron.

Aaron’s mileage on his truck is down a little. He now makes trips throughout his community to deliver traps that he and his staff have made. It’s a drive that brings a smile to his face because with each trip, he knows his rural-based business is growing.

Nova Scotia Works Centres are located across the province of Nova Scotia. They provide employment services and supports to job seekers and to local businesses - matching people to jobs and jobs to people to

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