Opportunities abound

Opportunities abound

< Back to Articles | Topics: From the President | Contributors: Patrick Sullivan, President & CEO, Halifax Chamber of Commerce | Published: June 1, 2018

Halifax is blooming with growth and progress

I t’s a wonderful time to be in Halifax. Maybe I’m just saying that because, as I write this, summer seems to finally have made an appearance. But I swear, it goes deeper than that. Although, the warmer weather does add an extra highlight to some of the progress we’ve made over the past number of months. People are finally stepping outside and are enjoying patio season — my favourite time of year. But in all seriousness, I like this time of year for more than the opportunity to enjoy a refreshing beverage on the deck of one our many amazing restaurants. I like this time of year because it showcases how far we’ve come and what lies before us.

In early May, we held our Spring Dinner — focusing on the opportunity that goes along with Canada’s Ocean Supercluster at the Halifax Convention Centre. And what an opportunity it is — we even dedicated our April issue of Business Voice to the topic. While the Ocean Supercluster is the most obvious area of opportunity in that sentence, what about the opportunity that goes along with the Halifax Convention Centre? It wasn’t that many months ago we were counting down the days until it opened its doors. The Chamber was there with the Halifax Business Awards as it was one of the first events in the building.

Here we are, nearly six months later and the Halifax Convention Centre held the Liberal 2018 National Convention, which brought 3,000 people to Halifax. The streets were filled with people from across the country and it was a great feeling. In May, the ECMAs took place downtown and created a great environment for residents and visitors alike.

This summer, we will see the National Progressive Conservative Convention and I’m sure the Halifax Convention Centre has many other events lined up that will bring even more people to the province. And once people get here, they tend to want to come back. There are some clear opportunities that go along with that. But don’t just take it from me, take a look at their story on page 14 to learn more of what they’re up to.

This issue also looks at the opportunity that lies with our graduates. We’ve spoken with our Grow HALIFAX Partner, the Department of Labour and Advanced Education, on the impact that hiring recent graduates can have on businesses in the province and I think you’ll agree, it’s significant. The Chamber fully supports businesses taking advantage of co-op programs, internships and the Graduate to Opportunity program — and encourages you to learn more about what you can do to support recent grads. These opportunities could be the ones that take your business to the next level. Halifax is packed with recent and soon-to-be graduates and many of them want to stay. Not only that, we actually need them to stay to secure our sustainability as a province. It’s a win-win.

I’m incredibly proud of where we are as a city, but to quote our past Board Chair, Mark Fraser: “Now is NOT the time to take our foot off the gas.” We must continue this momentum and not lose it. Let’s seize the opportunities that are in front of us and work toward creating more. Together we can create a city of growth and dynamism.

Have you experienced any outstanding opportunities you couldn’t afford to miss? Let us know and, more importantly, let us know how we can help. We’re in your corner and we’re in this together.

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