November Strategic Plan

November Strategic Plan

< Back to Articles | Topics: From the President | Contributors: Patrick Sullivan | Published: November 1, 2018

After months of work with our Board of Directors, I’m excited to announce that our new Strategic Plan has been finalized and we are ready to share it with our members. The new plan continues the good work that began in our last strategy.

Over the next five years, we will promote clear positions on issues that affect businesses, such as: lowering the tax burden, creating a frictionless regulatory and business environment and reducing the costs associated with opening a business.

Our leadership team, including our 16 volunteer members of the Board of Directors, felt the major change that should occur is a refocus on member prosperity. If you’ve seen our previous strategic plan, you will know that our overarching goal was to become one of the top three growth economies in the country.

We will provide services you need and we will continue to advocate for the conditions in the economy that enhance your prosperity, because our new vision states that we will create value and prosperity for you, our members.

Your Chamber is expanding its training sessions, events, benefits, advice and networking services, and will also provide cost-saving opportunities to enable members to effectively manage expenses.

Our task forces, Fostering Private Sector Growth, and Accessing the Skilled Workforce are pivotal to our advocacy work. They have been renamed and revamped to strategically align with the issues and ideals that impact our members. To read about the task forces’ upcoming projects, see pages 26 and 27.

Achieving our goals should enable your business and Halifax’s economy to grow and flourish. We will achieve this by advocating for:

• Optimizing the size of government

• Creating a frictionless business

• Supporting export development

• Reducing the tax burden

• Promoting immigration

• Increasing student retention

• Entrepreneurship training

• Promoting the growth of Halifax
as a major city

You will continue to see regular updates on these goals here in Business Voice and through our weekly e-bulletin, as we work together to make Halifax the best place to live and do business.

I look forward to your feedback on the launch of our new five-year Strategic Plan. This is your Chamber and we want to hear from you. Thank you for your continued support as we move forward and continue to evolve.

< Back to Articles | Topics: From the President

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