It's been a pleasure!

It's been a pleasure!

< Back to Articles | Topics: Working for you | Contributors: Barbi Holland, Sales Consultant | Published: November 12, 2020

It is difficult to articulate in one article my thoughts and feelings about leaving this amazing Chamber. I have come to know so much about our members (many of whom became friends) and feel privileged to have had the opportunity to get to know each and every one of you.

Maya Angelou puts it perfectly by saying “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” This is the legacy I hope to leave behind at the Chamber.

Anyone who knows me appreciates that I can talk to anyone and everyone for hours and hours, often finding at least one person (if not more) in common. Some of those coffee, lunch, event, (and the odd wine – ha!) conversations, have blessed me with lifelong friendships, which I will always cherish.

Looking back over the past ten years, I remember my humble beginning with the Chamber. I got the “sales job” without a resume or even having an interview, as I sold sponsorship for the Chamber Golf Tournament the previous year (via a third party contract) and they all said that “they knew who I was.”

I confidently told the Chamber they needed to hire me, and lucky for me, they did! I was new to the Chamber world and family (and it IS a family) and was eager to get started.

I began my new job on July 6, 2010 and was excited to get selling and connecting! The next day, I had a “prospect” coffee meeting with Kevin Riles with KWR Approvals, who became my very first new member. From that very first sale, I vowed to meet with all new members, allowing me to get to know more about them and their business, so I could do MY job better... and so it began.

I started meeting prospective companies and all new members in person, to better connect people to help them build their networks and grow their business, which, to this day, is the reason why I love what I do. Lucky for me, this comes naturally. Why wouldn’t you take a moment and send that email or make that call, if it is going to make a positive impact on another person/company? The best part of this, is that it never feels like work. I was, and still am, having so much fun “doing what I do!”

Another quote that resonates with me is: “We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing,” by George Bernard Shaw. Stay true to yourself, be kind and have fun sounds like simple advice, but it certainly can make a difference in how we travel through this crazy journey called life!

People would often say how infectious and energizing my personality is, and that they could feel my energy in a room and/or through a phone call. I admit, I do get really energized around people, lucky for me, I have made a career from talking. Fun fact: I used to work in radio in my early 20’s! I credit my up-beat attitude and not taking life “too, too serious” to be my success here at the Chamber and this amazing city.

I’m a self-proclaimed FOMO queen as I really don’t like to miss out. So, it stands to reason that when there is anything happening in Halifax with one of our members, I’d be the first one there, celebrating, sharing, supporting them, and of course connecting with everyone in the room. I like to be part of people’s lives. That’s just who I am.

Now, I don’t make those connections for accolades or to rack up success stories, I do it for the opportunity to genuinely get to know and impact people around me. Through my journey, I’ve been able to build my character and grow, just as my role and responsibilities at the Chamber have grown.

I am fortunate and privileged to be able to make decisions to benefit our members, and to help with the growth of our membership and business community at large. After 10 years, I have become somewhat of a sales warrior and still get 'that buzz' with every new member, and the opportunity to engage them in all that the Chamber offers…which is a lot, as I often say “why wouldn’t you join”?

I listen; I genuinely listen very well. I genuinely care and I follow-up with every single person I come in contact with, which compliments my “get ‘er done” attitude. I’m extremely organized (sometimes to a fault), very positive and, as mentioned, highly energetic, with all of this is combined, I never have a dull moment, nor a boring day.

Life has thrown us many curve balls this year, and I am very proud and honoured to be part of an organization that has risen above expectations and continues to be an excellent resource for supporting, connecting and growing businesses in our region.

It goes without saying, especially now, that we’re all in this together. I often use the phrase “We all put our pants on the same way.” Simply be kind, lend a smile and care for everyone you meet, that has always been my mantra, and it will remain so in my next journey.

Although I’m leaving the Halifax Chamber, I’ll forever be part of the Halifax business community no matter where I am. My departing wish is that I have left a mark at the Chamber (and in Halifax) as a trailblazer in making connections and sharing kindness. And for that I say “It’s been a pleasure!”

The Halifax Chamber is going to miss this firecracker of the business community. We are wishing Barbi the best of the best on her next chapter and are excited for what her new journey in PEI brings.

It’s not a farewell but a see you later. So until next time! ~All our love, The Chamber Team.

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