Evolving processes

Evolving processes

< Back to Articles | Topics: Special Feature | Contributors: Contributed | Published: March 1, 2019

From framing to roofing to finish work and more, business owners across Nova Scotia’s diverse construction industry agree that less paperwork would be a good thing.

And less paperwork is just one benefit that Nova Scotia’s construction industry will see — along with all employers and workers — as WCB Nova Scotia modernizes its services.

New state-of-the-art systems will be implemented beginning in the spring of 2019, allowing a different kind of service from the WCB.

The WCB is moving away from paper-based processes and adding more online services to make it easier for you to do business. New, more powerful systems will make service faster, streamline processes and put you in better control of your own data and information.

The WCB is updating the MyAccount online portal for business owners and adding in new features that will make it easier to do business with us.

Here are some of the changes that will have a direct benefit for the construction industry:

Subcontractor reports

  • The new clearance status process enables online subcontractor reporting. Through MyAccount, principals can keep track of the subcontractors they hire online in real-time and the paper subcontracting report will be phased out.

Clearance status

  • Proof of clearance status will be available online through our new and improved MyAccount employer portal.
  • Principals will be able to log in to MyAccount to confirm subcontractor clearance 24/7, searchable from any device or job site.
  • Clearance status will simply be indicated as either “clear” or “not clear” and opting in for automatic notifications means principals will receive an email from us if that status changes. It’s fast, easy, convenient and eliminates the need for paper clearance letters.
  • There’s much more to come. Make sure you stay informed.

If you are not currently a MyAccount user, get ready for these changes and sign up for MyAccount today by visiting
www.wcb.ns.ca. Watch for more updates at www.wcb.ns.ca/servicechanges.

< Back to Articles | Topics: Special Feature

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