Appreciating our members

Appreciating our members

< Back to Articles | Topics: Working for you | Contributors: Margaret Chapman, Vice President, Corporate Research Associates | This is a guest post from Corporate Research Associates
(Member since 1996) | Published: February 1, 2018

This is a guest post from Corporate Research Associates
(Member since 1996)

At the Halifax Chamber of Commerce there are a huge number of activities — from advocacy to events to benefits and services — but members are at the heart of everything the Chamber does. Members are the reason the Chamber exists and the reason all other activities take place.

As the Chair of the Membership Committee, I am thrilled to see growing numbers of members, growing levels of satisfaction and, most importantly, a high level of engagement among our members. We see this engagement in the positive feedback we hear about events and growing attendance, including at the sold-out Mayor’s Luncheon.

One of the most positive things I’ve heard from our President, Patrick Sullivan, is that he constantly sees new faces at Chamber events. This is great news. We want to not only ensure that members continue to enjoy and see benefit in attending events, but also that new members are coming along to network and get involved in discussions. If you haven’t done so already, we encourage our members to bring along colleagues, to ensure it’s not only one or two people from any organization that is benefiting from and attending Chamber events.

We are also seeing an increased use of member benefits and services. This is great news, but we want to further encourage our members to look into and take advantage of the wide range of benefits offered. Check out the ROI Calculator at to see the savings your membership can provide. Did you know that the average member of the Chamber receives more than 30-times the value back from their membership?

Another great tool on the Chamber site is an article on the top-10 ways to activate your membership — from advertising, to the 100-plus networking events, to the use of the member-to-member marketplace or even becoming a growth champion. There’s a lot of inspiration on this list. Check it out to see how you can make even better use of your Chamber membership in 2018.

Looking forward to 2018, our committee will continue to focus on ensuring that the Chamber’s events and services are not only meeting your expectations, but exceeding them. We want to ensure that our membership continues to grow and stays engaged. We want to ensure that we represent the Halifax business community!

We want to ensure that the advocacy work is relevant to you and your business. To do so, we need to hear from you. Any time you have suggestions, we’d love to hear from you. Please feel free to give us a call at 902-468-7111, or talk to any one of our dedicated staff members. We’re happy to help.

Margaret Chapman is Vice President of Corporate Research Associates, as well as Chair of the Halifax Chamber of Commerce Membership Committee.

< Back to Articles | Topics: Working for you

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