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2019 Provincial Issue Note
| Topics: Multi-Topic Publications

Each year, the Halifax Chamber of Commerce submits a note to the Province, detailing the issues that affect our members, our concerns for the upcoming year and the current and past projects that are beneficial to the growth of the Province. This year, the Halifax Chamber has chosen to ask the government various questions that reflect the issues that are important to our members. They range from departmental spending to preventative health care to immigration. We provide additional background in the attachment, but the questions asked in the document are provided below:

• Does the provincial government allot departmental funding based on the amount that was used in the year prior?
• What are the specific cost saving projects in place by departments to reduce their budgets each year?
• Does the provincial government evaluate their salaries and benefits packages against the private sector?
• Will the province provide ability to pay legislation to municipalities?
• What types of preventative programs are supported by the Department of Health and Wellness currently?
• What initiatives is the department pursuing to bring new thinking to healthcare? For instance, the new Hospice provides beds for a significantly reduced cost versus hospitals. Will there be any provincial investment in capital for these facilities?
• What are the savings, whether in time or money, has the government achieved from these prorams and will budgets be reduced by these savings?
• What countries and/or regions is the Nova Scotia government currently exporting/importing to and what countries and/or regions are being actively investigated?
• What is the number one reason Immigrants do not choose to remain in Nova Scotia/Halifax?
• How often is the Department of Business in contact with Nova Scotian SMEs to discuss what skills and training will be needed in our workforce?

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2019 Provincial Issue Note- Response from Premier McNeil
| Topics: Multi-Topic Publications

The Chamber recently submitted our 2019 Provincial Issue Note to the Province wherein we asked relevant and timely questions that focused on the growth of our region and the business community. We are pleased that we have received a letter of response from Premier McNeil.

If you have any questions comments, please email our policy analyst, Kathleen MacEachern, at kathleen@halifaxchamber.com

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2019-2020 City budget - Chamber Concerns
| Topics: Taxation and Regulation

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2019-2020 Municipal Pre Budget Submission
| Topics: Budget Issues

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2019-2020 Provincial Budget Response
| Topics: Budget Issues

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2019-2020 Provincial Pre Budget Submission: Premier Response
| Topics: Budget Issues

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2019-2020 Provincial Pre-Budget Submission
| Topics: Multi-Topic Publications

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2020 COVID-19 Updates from the Halifax Chamber
| Topics: Multi-Topic Publications

From the onset of the Pandemic, the Halifax Chamber of Commerce has been committed to keeping our members and the business community updated with the latest and most important information. We have compiled this information into one document. We will continue to provide the business community with updates for funding, COVID-19 restrictions, and relevant information in 2021.

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2020 HRM Election Candidate Responses
| Topics: Multi-Topic Publications

We reached out to the 2020 municipal election candidates to ask them the questions we have heard from you, our members!

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2020 Municipal Issue Note
| Topics: Multi-Topic Publications

Each year, the Halifax Chamber of Commerce submits an Issue Note to the Municipal government. This document outlines some of the issues that are affecting our members and the business community. COVID-19 has had a strong impact on our membership and the broader community; therefore, our 2020 Issue Note will focus significantly on what the municipal government can do to provide support to entrepreneurs, business owners, and employees during this unprecedented time and poses questions of our Mayor and Councillors. While our 2019-2023 Strategic Plan pillars will still be prevalent in our discussions, we want the emphasis to be on the things we can do now, that will encourage growth, sustainability, and stimulation of the economy.

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2020 Provincial Issue Note

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2020-2021 Municipal Pre-Budget Submission
| Topics: Budget Issues

Each year the Halifax Chamber of Commerce produces a Municipal Pre-Budget Submission that outlines our member's concerns and policy goals for the new budget. The submission highlights the top priorities of the Halifax Chamber of Commerce’s membership. Our recommendations are based on many conversations with our members over the past year and work on balancing the needs of the Halifax business community with that of the City. We have provided the Council with ten recommendations that focus on optimizing the size of government, creating a frictionless business environment and promoting the growth of Halifax as a major city.

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2020-2021 Provincial Budget Response: A lIttle Something For Everyone
| Topics: Budget Issues

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2020-2021 Provincial Pre-Budget Submission
| Topics: Budget Issues

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2021 Task Force Member Spotlight
| Topics: Strategic Plan

The Chamber is pleased to be spotlighting our Task Force members in our policy bulletins over the next few months. We’re hoping this gives you a better insight to the groups that are working diligently to bring you webinar ideas, recommendations to government and asking the relevant an up-to-date questions to important stakeholders.

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2021-2021 Provincial Pre-Budget Submission
| Topics: Budget Issues

The Provincial Pre-Budget submission outlines our member's concerns and policy goals for the new budget.  While the 2020-2021 budget outlined many issues and projects that aligned with our Strategic Plan there are still areas of concern for the 2021-2022 budget. This submission highlights the top priorities of the Halifax Chamber of Commerce’s membership, focusing on mitigating the impacts of COVID-19. Our recommendations are based on many conversations with our members over the past year and work on balancing the needs of the Halifax business community with that of the province.

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2021-2022 HRM Budget Response
| Topics: Budget Issues

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2021-2022 Municipal Pre-Budget Submission

While the 2020-2021 budget outlined many issues and projects that aligned with our Strategic Plan there are still areas of concern for the 2021-2022 budget. This submission highlights the top priorities of the Halifax Chamber of Commerce’s membership of over 1,700 businesses that employ over 65,000 people, focusing on mitigating the impacts of COVID-19. Our recommendations are based on many conversations with our members over the past year and work on balancing the needs of the Halifax business community with that of the province.

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2022-2023 Municipal Pre-Budget Submission
| Topics: Budget Issues

The 2022-2023 Municipal Pre-Budget Submission highlights the top priorities of the Halifax Chamber of Commerce’s membership of over 1,800 businesses which employ over 65,000 people. Our recommendations are based on many conversations with our members over the past year and work on balancing the needs of the Halifax business community with that of the province.  

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2022-2023 Provincial Pre-Budget Submission
| Topics: Budget Issues

For your information and interest, please find attached the Halifax Chamber of Commerce’s 2022-2023 Provincial Pre-Budget submission. The submission outlines our member's concerns and policy goals for the new budget.  This submission also highlights the top priorities of the Halifax Chamber of Commerce’s membership. Our recommendations are based on many conversations with our members over the past year and work on balancing the needs of the Halifax business community with that of the province.

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