The Halifax Chamber of Commerce is pleased to partner with Labour, Skills and Immigration (LSI) to highlight their resources, funding opportunities, and programs for our members.
Hiring Incentives
LSI has a number of programs to save you money as you strengthen your business with new talent.
- NEW! Introducing GTO Innovate: a GTO subsidy for employers hiring new Masters and PhD graduates for innovation-focused jobs that pay at least $60,000 annually. – Provides a subsidy of 30% in the first year and 15% in the second year. For-profit employers with up to 200 employees are eligible.
- NEW! Introducing GTO Grow: a new name for the existing GTO subsidy for Nova Scotia employers with 100 employees or less who wish to hire recent graduates. GTO Grow provides a subsidy of 25% in the first year and 12.5% in the second year. To help make sure recent graduates receive competitive compensation for today’s market, the minimum annual salary for GTO Grow is now $37,500.
- Employers who use GTO programs (any combination of Grow and Innovate) can hire up to five (5) new graduates at the regular subsidy. Any GTO-supported hires after that will receive a subsidy of 15% in the first year, and 5% in the second.
Learn more here or call us at 902-424-6000 or 1-800-424-5418.
Watch the recording of the “Small Business Support Series: Hiring Incentives to Help You Grow Your Business” here:
Training Supports
A sure-fire way of improving productivity is by upskilling your employees. LSI has Business Workforce Consultants to help with HR planning, workforce development programs and a trove of free training resources.
- Workplace Education helps you assess the learning needs of your business and organize and deliver education and training programs.
- The Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Incentive (WIPSI) provides money for training and certification to improve productivity and competitiveness.
- SkillsOnlineNS provides easy access to hundreds of free online courses for employers and workers, from software applications to customer service, business writing to finance.
- Conciliation and Mediation Services has a suite of joint workshops available to union-management groups aimed at improving their working relationship.
Find out about all of our hiring and training incentives here.
Watch the recording of the “Small Business Support Series: Training Incentives to Help You Grow Your Business” here:
If your business employs workers in the skilled trades, apprenticeship is one of the best investments you can make. The Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency can make it easier.
- The Apprenticeship START program provides funding to eligible employers who employ and support Nova Scotians through their apprenticeship program. Funding for a four-year apprenticeship can be $25,000 to $30,000, depending on location and if the apprentice is from an underrepresented group. Visit the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency for more information.
Watch the recording of the “Small Business Support Series: How Apprenticeship Can Work for Your Businesss” here.
Safety Support
Safety makes a difference in everyone’s lives and is important for your business’ peace of mind, reputation and its bottom line. The Safety branch can help with any questions or concerns about health and safety in workplaces, and technical safety of regulated equipment in public places.
- Please call 1-800-LABOUR (1-800-952-2687) or email
- The Safety Branch can also provide tools and supports to encourage a strong safety culture within your business such as guidance around prevention of COVID-19 in the workplace and the Small Business Safety Toolkit
Watch the recording of the “Small Business Support Series: Covid-19 – A Workplace Hazard – Lessons Learned” here.
Labour Services
As an employer, you have certain rights and responsibilities under labour and employment laws. We have experts to answer questions, help you avoid labour and employment-related problems, and services to help you resolve disputes.
- For questions about rights and responsibilities under the Labour Standards Code, call 1-888-315-0110
- If your workplace is unionized and you need dispute-resolution support, click here.
Watch the recording of the “Small Business Support Series: Labour Standards in 2020” here: