United in action for inclusive, equitable growth

United in action for inclusive, equitable growth

< Back to Articles | Topics: Working for you | Contributors: Wendy Luther (President and CEO, Halifax Partnership) | Published: May 1, 2024

In Halifax, we have a vision of building a prosperous, growing city that puts the well-being of our people and the planet first.

Together with our business community and government, post-secondary, and community partners, we are working to improve employment, income, equity, and housing outcomes for all residents and communities throughout our municipality.

That’s why, in addition to setting economic goals to increase Halifax’s GDP and population and grow the labour force, Halifax’s Inclusive Economic Strategy for 2022-2027 (People. Planet. Prosperity.) also has a well-being measure which focuses on improving our residents’ perceptions of quality of life in Halifax and their overall life satisfaction.

Our well-being metric was developed with input from United Way Halifax, Engage Nova Scotia, and other organizations and jurisdictions and is measured through an annual survey of residents that asks about their life satisfaction. In spring 2022, we set a benchmark metric and last year’s survey showed improvement—fewer people (12.8%, down from 14.4%) rated their satisfaction with their life as low.  This year’s measure will be included in the 2024 Halifax Index, which is presented by TD Bank Group and will be released in June.

What we see in United Way Halifax’s United in Poverty Action Report are 11 crucial measures of how well we’re doing as a community, particularly in helping our most vulnerable residents. As importantly, it identifies that we all have a role to play in improving the well-being of those living in poverty in our growing city.  

United Way Halifax and Halifax Partnership are deeply connected and fully aligned in our efforts to ensure everyone benefits from Halifax’s growth. We know the power of collective action in making meaningful, sustainable, and positive progress toward shared goals.

Here are some practical ways you and your business can help create a more inclusive and prosperous future for our community.

Choose United Way Halifax as your community partner. Support them financially and connect your teams to their work. More and more, we hear from employees that they are keen to work for organizations that match their values and where they can personally contribute their time and skills to make a difference in their community. Partnering with United Way Halifax is a tangible way to make that connection with your teams.

Sign up as an ally and make a personal commitment to building awareness and buy-in for the systemic issues that lead to poverty. Talk about it at your workplace with your colleagues and with your kids at the kitchen table. Encourage others to understand and help tackle these issues. 

Be in it for the long term and commit to staying the course. There’s no silver bullet or quick solution to our challenges. Community building is complex, improving housing is complex, and reducing poverty is complex. These issues require deep engagement with those affected by them and those who can help solve them.

Read the United in Poverty Action Report and get involved at:


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