Policy Library
Browse through our Policy Library to learn how our work affects business in Nova Scotia.
2025-26 Provincial Pre-Budget Submission
This pre-budget submission is designed to address key community and economic development challenges by creating an environment where both businesses and their employees can thrive.
By advocating for targeted recommendations to address affordability, labour, and infrastructure needs, we aim to create a stronger, more resilient Nova Scotia where business and talent can invest long-term.
While there are numerous recommendations that can help address the issues mentioned under our key Advocacy Pillars, we have carefully selected our top priorities for this year’s budget to ensure a focused and impactful approach.
2024 Nova Scotia Provincial Election Guide
The Halifax Chamber has developed an Election Guide with a quick overview of issues the Chamber is focused on and questions for the candidates in your riding
Q3 2024 Halifax Business Conditions
The number of Halifax businesses with an optimistic outlook for the next 12 months increased from the previous quarter.
Cost-related obstacles remain the biggest concern, with 62% of Halifax businesses indicating it to be an obstacle over the next 3 months, down from 71% the previous quarter.
While cost obstacles continue to dominate the top 10 business obstacles list, Customer Demand has become a growing issue for Halifax businesses over the past three months.
Halifax Chamber of Commerce 2024 Municipal Election Poll – #3
The Halifax Chamber of Commerce is pleased to present our third set of election poll results with residents of the municipality. The purpose of the survey is to identify which candidate residents would prefer as mayor, as well as which issues are most important to those living in HRM. The survey was conducted by Narrative Research.
Halifax Chamber of Commerce 2024 Municipal Election Poll
With the upcoming municipal election in the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) to be held on October 19, 2024, the Halifax Chamber of Commerce commissioned an online poll with residents of the municipality from September 17th to 19th. The poll was conducted by Narrative Research. The purpose of this poll was to identify which candidate residents would prefer as mayor, as well as which issues are most important to those living in HRM.
Canadian Global Cities Council – Rail Strike Letter
Letter to Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister, from the Canadian Global Cities Council (CGCC), a coalition of eight of Canada’s largest urban Chambers of Commerce and Boards of Trade.
Q2 2024 Halifax Business Conditions
The number of Halifax businesses with an optimistic outlook for the next 12 months decline from the previous quarter.
Cost-related obstacles remain the biggest concern, with 71% of Halifax businesses indicating it to be an obstacle over the next 3 months.
Inflation related obstacles saw the biggest negative change from Q1 to Q2 of 2024 and remains a top concern for Halifax businesses.
2024-25 Election Guide, HRM
Wondering what are the top issues in the upcoming election? The Chamber’s Policy team has put together an election guide outlining some of our top concerns, as well as some questions that you can ask potential candidates.
SME Transition to Net Zero Study
With the continuing threats from global warming and climate change, the Halifax Chamber of Commerce investigated insights into how SMEs in Halifax are adapting to climate change and transitioning towards more sustainable business practices.
Q1 2024 Halifax Business Conditions
KEY FINDINGS: An increase in expected sales combined with higher sales prices are improving expectations of profitability. This appears to have a positive impact on capital expenditures despite higher expectations of operating expenses. Of concern is the increase in expectations of higher selling prices, despite recent data showing inflation continuing to trend downward. While cost-related challenges have improved since last quarter, they still remain a major challenge expected for the next three months.
2024-2025 Municipal Pre-Budget Submission
This pre-budget submission underscores the importance of mitigating impact successive property tax increases on our residents and businesses. We acknowledge burden that HRM is facing to accommodate record growth in population, however municipality must also recognize strain it placing homeowners businesses deal with growing pains. Addressing this issue essential ensure affordability prevent financial hardship among community.
Therefore, alongside efforts to advocate for reduced spending and lower taxes, this submission also attempts break down educate our members on trends concerns we see within the Municipality’s budget. By carefully considering impacts of successive tax increases, other programs, aim create a more sustainable equitable financial environment all stakeholders municipality.
2024-2025 Provincial Budget Response
In February the Nova Scotia provincial government released their budget for 2024/25. Prior to the annual budget release, the Halifax Chamber’s Policy Team submits a Pre-Budget Submission which includes several key recommendations to the Provincial Government that we believe will enhance the economic prosperity of our members and region. The recommendations are derived from hours of detailed analysis and stakeholder consultations which are then reviewed and approved by the Chamber’s Task Force members and volunteer Board of Directors. This document will focus on some of the key areas in our recommendation and the results of those recommendations.
Q4 2023 Halifax Business Conditions
Overall business optimism throughout Canada’s major CMA’s remained unchanged from Q3 to Q4 of 2023. Halifax Business optimism fell slightly, while central Canada saw the most positive optimistic changes.
2024-2025 Provincial Pre-Budget Submission
The following submission is a significant departure for the Halifax Chamber in form and content. The overall goal remains to make informed recommendations to the provincial government of key priorities that should be incorporated in to the upcoming 2024-25 Nova Scotia Provincial Budget. The recommendations are targeted to not only support the business community but all residents throughout the province. However, this pre-budget submission takes a much more focused look at a smaller list of critical areas of concern that will have maximum impact across the province, and not only provides in-depth rationale for the recommendations but costs them as well. The three key pillars of this submission are areas we feel are vital for the well being and economic stability of our province.
Q3 2023 Halifax Business Conditions
Overall business optimism throughout Canada’s major CMA’s declined over the last quarter. Despite a 3 point drop for Halifax business optimism, it remains higher than most other cities and the national average.
Inflationary pressures remain the top obstacle for Halifax businesses but have significantly improved over
the last quarter. While labour related challenges have also improved, transportation and insurance
costs have worsened.
Q2 2023 Halifax Business Conditions
After a decline in business optimism in Q1 2023, overall business optimism in Halifax increased in Q2 and remains high relative to other Canadian CMAs.
While inflationary pressures and some cost related obstacles are expected to improve, input costs and
recruitment obstacles are expected to worsen in the next three months for Halifax Businesses.
Chamber’s Response on the 2023-2024 Federal Budget
Positive investments in competitiveness and the green economy, but increasing debt levels and shortage of support for businesses and growth concerning.
2023-24 Municipal Pre-Budget Submission
The Municipal Pre-Budget Submission this year is broader than just a submission on the budget and also submits ideas or recommendations to find innovative, relatively low-cost solutions that will help to support businesses and people through enhanced communication, new programs, lower taxes, and greater inclusivity. The recommendations are aimed at minimizing the impact to the Municipality’s coffers while maximizing our regions potential for economic growth. It is not our expectation that all of these ideas will be implemented immediately but will be thoughtfully examined with a view to the future.
2023-2024 Provincial Pre-Budget Submission
Our economy is going through a transitional phase and businesses are adjusting to new economic realities. Our members are facing a variety of challenges from increasing inflation and labour shortages, to supply chain disruptions and rising interest rates. Despite this, there have been actions, ideas, and outcomes that have resulted in positive change for the business community. The goal of this pre-budget submission is to reiterate the importance of those positive changes alongside recommendations that would provide value to our businesses, improve the lives of Nova Scotians, and increase our province’s economic growth. Focusing on key issue areas, derived from conversations with our members, this submission highlights ways to improve our fiscal position, housing supply, population needs, and economics.